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The interdisciplinary study of the arts

Part 2 Dissertation 2005
Dario Camisay
Pablo Llorca
University of Mendoza | Argentina
The main reason that leads us to develop this theme, is the strong need to reach a real image of today’s man, taking into account his relationship with art, and more specifically, with architecture. This criterion demands a wide analysis of what is happening and does not allow the making of any mistake, like it has happened in the past and we are still coping with. That is to say, in view of a revolutionary fact that alters all traditional images of men and their capacities, we must understand the phenomenon based on a former image of men.
People live in a permanent state of construction and reconstruction. The idea of Heidegger is reflected in this quote: “the essence of any being is its existence”
This work is based on the need to put the “pieces of the puzzle” together. We know that our reality is made up of complex systems, and not by elements that can be separated or objects that can be thought of independently. That is to say, it is about carrying out an idea or thought capable of dealing, dialoguing, and negotiating with what is real.
We will work taking into account that this new paradigm radically modifies the characteristics of mankind and it is this new image that we have to face. To accomplish this, we have borrowed tools from philosophy that allow us to create our image according to its discourse on the generalization of problems and what we mean by interdisciplinary investigation.

The interdisciplinary study of the arts, developed by: CAMISAY, and LLORCA, arises from the quest for an image of today’s man, as a fundamental tool to design an adequate architecture.

Since the current reality is complex, there have been systemic interpretations about the artistic production of the different contemporary movements and the different disciplines that participate in their processes.

After carrying out this research work, the students have drawn conclusions that allow us to consider the image of the current man, as confused, responding to a new paradigm according to which the real and the diverse are the same.

• Page Hits: 5685         • Entry Date: 29 June 2005         • Last Update: 29 June 2005