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Generative Idea

Part 2 Dissertation 2006
Micaela Martinez
Rodrigo Farfan
University of Mendoza | Argentina
When is a masterpiece born? Where does its soul reside? How many interpretations can be found at the moment of making it, thinking about it and living it?
These are some of the questions raised in ¨Generative Idea¨, a research work whose search is centered in the genesis of a project process.
(concepts that we will eventually go back from and to the masterpiece) and the incidence of the trigger in the course of the development of this creative process.

After this brief theorical frame, and understanding the Idea as the soul and starting point of all project, the research work suggests a hypothesis which contains a free as well as subjective definition of what we understand as a generative idea. This point of view tries also to show the incidence of the subjective contributions of each artist and the spacial and temporal situation at the point of the creation, from the moment where the first sketch comes out which will be expressed at length in varied ways, getting varied outcomes: figurative works o methaphorical ones based on geometric composed developments.

These are the three universes or embraced ideas suggested and explored in a study case at local, Latin American and international scale which aims to reinforce the hypothesis formerly presented, to finally reach reflections founded on the stated topic.

Does a genesis exist in all masterpieces? Are perhaps typologies accurately corrected? How flexible are them? Here we have the results of all research: more questions.

¨Generative Idea¨, is a research work whose search is centered in the genesis of a project process and the incidence of the trigger in the course of the development of this creative process. This point of view tries also to show the incidence of the subjective contributions of each artist and the spacial and temporal situation at the point of the creation, from the moment where the first sketch comes out which will be expressed at length in varied ways, getting varied outcomes: figurative works o methaphorical ones based on geometric composed developments.

• Page Hits: 4061         • Entry Date: 03 July 2006         • Last Update: 03 July 2006