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Gathering the [Un]seen Site: The Potential of the Fictive Perspectival Space

Part 2 Dissertation 2014
Adam Alexander Smith
Newcastle University | UK
This dissertation was intended to develop, through a series of investigations, the limitations of perspective, created sight and the construction of fictive space to suggest a new reading of imagery, especially that of the collaged space. It is not the embodiment of a traditional dissertation but rather an illustrated discussion of a single idea.

This work intended to investigate imagery as a tool for architecture to collect hidden yet meaningful information within an image, an image that throughout the writing would be referred to as the ‘image-site’, under the constraints that both site and image have bounding edges that constitute the limitation of the viewers gaze.

In short the ideas in this dissertation would suggest that a traditional architectural site would become all that lies within the limitations of the owned land defined by a line drawn on a plan, while the ‘image-site’ is all that lies within the construct of the canvas, screen or limitations of the appropriated media, the ‘architectural-site’ in this consideration however became a reference to a projected fictive space beyond the image-site that contains implied spatial qualities.

The ideas discussed in this dissertation were focused around the study of specific works of art, for it is in the nature of art to reproduce space, abstract or observed. It is the inherent nature of art that allows for it to sit undeterred within the confines of an architectural conversation. In the discussion that unfolded the text primarily occupied itself with perspective and its ability to provide space for the concealment of the fictional while holding a capacity to conceal the unseen.

It was through challenging the application of perspective as a tool for reading the built environment that the text hoped to dispel the simplicity perspective often holds as a tool for meaningless representation. The writing and investigations of fictive perspectival space were therefore attempts to arouse the idea of a new aspect of perspective rooted in its ability to project beyond the image-site.

Katie Lloyd Thomas
• Page Hits: 4356         • Entry Date: 15 July 2014         • Last Update: 15 July 2014