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Territorial Resignification: A model for sustainable landscape planning in Orocue, Casanare

Part 2 Dissertation 2019
Maria Paula Bravo Mayorga
Pilot University of Colombia Bogota | Colombia
This research project aims at; first, an in-depth analysis of the territory and its current problems with emphasis in its rural landscape, second, designing an alternative –to the current one understudy- territorial planning model based on some criteria and theoretical concepts such as the new rurality, the pattern language (Alexander, 1977), and the rural development policies of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). By understanding the territory’s complexity and its opportunities in the future, the ultimate goal of the proposed model is to activate and strength the dynamic interactions between stakeholders and the multiple systems within the place.

Throughout the document, a reflection on the relevance of developing planning tools for the rural landscape is exposed.

The analysis of the different variables and systems within the territory allows for the recognition of its particular language of patterns. The proposed land planning model is built up over the synthesis of the theoretical concepts and the needs shown in the diagnosis and is structured based on the language of patterns. Finally, some general guidelines for an ordering territorial methodology that contributes to rural planning are presented.

Armando Hurtado Olaya
• Page Hits: 1960         • Entry Date: 30 July 2019         • Last Update: 30 July 2019