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Peripatetic Manifesto

Part 2 Dissertation 2020
David Janosi
London School of Architecture | UK
An architecture student and two time travelling philosophers, wandering through Hackney and coming to terms with the great challenges of the 21st century: climate crisis, mass migration, gentrification…

This creative dissertation is constructed as a playful manifesto, charting a discursive journey into the depths of the mind of an architecture student at the dawn of their career, wondering about the agency of architects as professionals and individuals.

Pushing the boundaries of its chosen medium (the illustrated script), Peripatetic Manifesto seeks to be accessible to all readers, while remaining an engaging piece of self-aware critique exploring the thoughts and beliefs of an architect-to-be, and referencing some of the leading thinkers of the turn of the 21st century. The layered visual and textual piece elaborates a deeply situated discourse around the themes of agency, climate action and urban spatial politics, developed around precedent studies in Hackney and beyond (Gillett Square, Ridley Road market, or Herzberger schools).

This grounded and humble dissertation calls for an embracing of ambiguity, playful seriousness, and the deep mutual understanding of our issues as human beings and as architects.

Kirti Durelle
James Soane
• Page Hits: 1817         • Entry Date: 02 August 2020         • Last Update: 02 August 2020