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‘Do You Remember Much of the Home on Harecroft Road?’ How Dementia Altered my Grandparent’s Consciousness and Un-Dwelt their Family Home

Part 1 Dissertation 2020
George Gibbs
University for the Creative Arts | UK
Bernard and Jean, my grandparents, suffered with dementia from 2010 to 2018. In this time, they underwent grueling and dramatic changes: changes to their sense of identity and personhood, and the environment they inhabited.

Interspersed with accounts from family members this thesis revolves around two key questions. Firstly, “what did dementia do to Grandma and Grandpa?” explores dementia’s effect on their changing mental state, wellbeing and changing patterns of behavior in a domestic setting.

Secondly by asking, “do you remember much of Harecroft Road?” we examine how the cherished family home created by Bernard and Jean is affected by the journey of dementia, specifically the importance of the physical and emotional manifestation of ‘home’ and how the personal artefacts and keepsakes combine to create, and project to others, one’s sense of self or identity; from cutlery to furniture, bike parts and cameras, photographs and photo albums , and how they can help an individual relate to new spaces such as the care home environment.

Anna Maria Baranowska
• Page Hits: 1897         • Entry Date: 05 August 2020         • Last Update: 06 November 2020