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Urban Contingencies Between Land and Sea

Part 2 Dissertation 2021
Mohamed Naseer
University of Plymouth | UK
As inherited perceptions of the urban and our surroundings change, the division between land and sea, and the border in between, can no longer be relegated to a notional line between two contrasting landscapes. Unfolding planetary urbanisation processes counter dominant perceptions of the sea as a ‘non-territory’ or ‘other’, and instead see it as an emerging urban landscape, among others. Parallel to this, borders are argued to be complex multi-faceted social constructions that stem from inherited perceptions of their surroundings which, through reconstruction and removal, can transform into contingent spaces that can mediate new socio-spatial relations.

In this context, this research reconceptualises the land-sea border as becoming a contingent space, that enables processes of hybridisation between land and sea. It highlights how socio-spatial relations can change and evolve through these new urban conditions, potentially paving the way for new forms of spatiality. Further, this research also demonstrates spatial imaginaries as a powerful mechanism that can analyse, reveal, and change dominant spatial perceptions — both across land-sea contexts, as well as others — and through doing so become a means to legitimise, enable, and realise new spatial phenomena, and construct new socio-spatial relations and spaces.

Sana Murrani
• Page Hits: 2069         • Entry Date: 02 August 2021         • Last Update: 02 August 2021