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Through the Periscope

Part 2 Dissertation 2021
Santiago Rojas
Pontifical Bolivarian University | Colombia
Through the Periscope, The illusion that provokes another way of looking at the landscape.

The mobility, the economic system and development have modified the perception of the city into media realities, which means that everything has become linear, movable and consuming, without us being able to look beyond the passing character. Because of this, the project is a bet towards a new way of looking, carefully, through architecture, as a vehicle of illusion and apparent connection with the landscape and the reality of the territory.

This periscope is a new perception that assumes the sharpness on the immediacy of the landscape, where the real and its reflection presents us with different stages of perception, a visual and interpretative action made in geometry and in fragments of physical input and optical output that manipulates the angle of vision to locate the viewer and slow down his gaze, activating the perspective that is now obsolete by the immediacy of our time.

A reflection that wants to return to the landscape, educating our perception again, even through illusion.

Emerson Marin
• Page Hits: 1684         • Entry Date: 03 August 2021         • Last Update: 06 June 2022