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Algorithm Architecture

Part 0 Project 2006
Nesura Bulathsinghala
Manchester School of Architecture Manchester | UK
Architects often reference natural systems for
inspiration when designing a building.

However the problem of authenticity occurs when designers attempt to
simulate nature from a Top-down perspective.

This project views architecture as a bottom-up process of morphogenesis.

Using genetic algorithms to emulate biological processes I have created
virtual architectural models with a lifelike ability to reproduce and
therefore evolve.

As the virtual models reproduce they are evaluated and are subject to
natural selection, as the population grows architectural traits develop and
evolve in accordance with their dynamic environment.

Architectural taxonomies emerge and a digitally organic environment is

Danny began this course of investigation with an 'anti' stance;
anti-convention, anti-architecture, anti-workplace; difficult, given the
brief of designing a work environment during an architecture degree
course. Whilst Danny wrestled with the critical position of his
processes he continually evolved the models and algorithms to respond to
an increasingly complex set of parameters, involving questionnaires
concerning type, method and form of occupation. The resultant system
could effectively be applied anywhere, each site and prospective user
generating a truly unique series of spaces. The concrete realisation of
a 'building' is testament to his conviction and commitment to reconcile
ideas that are fundamentally virtual, within a context that is real.


• Page Hits: 2882         • Entry Date: 14 September 2006         • Last Update: 02 March 2021