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Prêt-à-porter Houses

Part 0 Project 2004
Jacob Szikora
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Santiago | Chile
There’s a new paradigm of human relations due to the globalization process that affects architecture production among other fields of creation. We’re living in an economic system that’s sustained by the existence of the market, where the consumer society manages a high level of information and the technological development cuts across the different productive areas.
That’s how arises the idea to develop an “Architecture Product”, what we’ve called prêt-à-porter houses, understood as a gadget with a high design standard, chosen by catalogue, with changeable configuration, done with industrial process, and sold in the worldwide web through “just in time” demand

Most Chilean dwellings are single family houses. Faced with this fact, this strategy seeks to improve upon current housing production mainly in two aspects: efficiency (more space for the same budget) and adaptability (ample choice of emplacement and varied possibilities of distribution).Technical and formal themes had been already pursued in a realized prototype where the extensive use of plywood -an export material backed by a growing local industry- offered structural possibilities whilst easily integrating built-in furniture such as sleeping niches storage spaces and the like. Following the thesis presentation, advances have been made for its production and commercialization.


• Page Hits: 2355         • Entry Date: 05 July 2004         • Last Update: 05 December 2016