Seatoller Hotel-The Lake District Part 1 Project 1999 Michelle Saywood Kingston University Kingston | UK Our personal histories informs the way we interpret the world around us. Our past creates prejudices that we unconsciously adopt. While memory informs our life and desires. Space is the medium of memory a surface on which body and time leaves traces. I have taken such marks as the starting points for an architectural investigation. Which in turn recall my past and locate the world.Architecture records a memory as well as creating a memory itself. Michelle is a dedicated student with boundless enthusiasm and commitment to her work. This results in sound and thorough exploration at all levels of her project. In her final project Michelle demonstrated a well grounded understanding of the activities and the culture of the Lake District. This is most evident in both the progrmmatic concerns and detailed design of her work. Michelle's work is compelling and imaginative. While remaining formally carm Michelle has produced a well considered and innovative undergraguate project.